Expertise by Design

Improving education at scale

Megan Webster, PhD

I am a sought-after consultant, coach, and trainer who can help transform your educational organization by developing the expertise of your team. Join me in ensuring that every student has a highly skilled teacher every year.

Vision matters.

I empower school leaders to articulate ambitious visions.

I provide school leaders with the skills for long-lasting implementation.

Equity matters.

Our schools continue to work well for a subset of our population, and our schools do not work well for another subset of our population. Inequity is built into the design. 

We can change the design. 


Pre-Service Teachers Trained


Director Generals Supported


Teachers Trained


Consultants Trained


Instructional Coaches Trained


Principals Trained

Dream big and take the next step.

  • Training Instructional Coaches

    Ensuring every novice teacher has a master teacher coach to support them.

  • Training School Leaders

    Supporting school administrators and board directors to improve the quality of instruction in their schools.

  • Strategic Planning

    Helping school board leaders move their visions out of binders and into classrooms.

  • Public Speaking

    Elevating events to become focused, participatory, engaging, and motivating.

My happy clients

  • Governance Agencies

    Association of Directors General of English School Boards of Quebec (ADGESBQ)

    Directors of English Education Network (DEEN)

    Leadership Committee for English Education in Quebec (LCEEQ)

    Ministère de l’Éducation Québec

  • School Boards

    Central Quebec School Board

    Eastern Shores School Board

    Eastern Townships School Board

    English Montreal School Board

    Kahnawà:ke Education Center

    Kativik Ilisarniliriniq

    Lester B. Pearson School Board

    New Frontiers School Board

    Riverside School Board

    Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board

  • Post-Secondary

    Concordia University

    Marianopolis College

    McCall-MacBain Foundation

    McGill University

    Soka University

  • Schools

    Ayer’s Cliff Elementary

    Centennial Regional High School

    Christmas Park Elementary

    Cookshire Elementary

    Farnham Elementary

    Hillcrest Academy

    Jimmy Sandy Memorial School

    John F. Kennedy Elementary

    Morin Heights Elementary

    Mount Pleasant Elementary

    North Hatley Elementary

    Our Lady of Peace Elementary

    Phoenix Alternative High School

    Pope Memorial Elementary School

    Rosemere High School

    Shawnigan Lake School

    St. George’s School of Montreal

    St. John’s High School

    St. Margaret’s School for Girls

    St. Paul Elementary

    St. Thomas High School

    Sawyerville Elementary School

    Twin Oaks Elementary