Strategic Planning

Helping school board leaders move their visions out of binders and into classrooms.


Strategic planning ensures significant change, avoids wasting time or money, and invigorates communities towards a common goal that they helped to develop.


I will lead you and your organization on a journey to figure out the 1-3 things that will be most important to focus on in the next 3 years to deliver quality education to your students.

I stay with you until your strategic plan is at the level of calendar invites, so you can press “play” and trust you will see the desired results.

“To reassess the current direction of Eastern Shores School Board (ESSB), my team and I felt it was not only important to engage a person with expertise in this area, but also someone who had experience working within the educational milieu.  With 20+ years working in education, Megan Webster was that person.   

Megan brought energy, passion and rigor to our journey that endured over a period of a year and a half.  She led our ESSB team, and all its stakeholders – students, parents, community partners, commissioners and employees – through a process of reimagining our mission and vision, ensuring everyone along the way had a voice.

While the process may have been daunting at times, Megan’s professionalism, humour, and contagious compassion for education made the whole process meaningful. 

Under Megan’s guidance, ESSB is now re-energized to continue the important work of ensuring every student, from shore to shore, has the languages and skills to thrive in our multicultural communities and beyond.” 

-Hugh Wood, Director General, Eastern Shores School Board